Break Free from Negative Self-Talk

Do you ever catch yourself thinking, “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never succeed”? You’re not alone. Negative self-talk can creep in and hold us back, but the good news is you can take control of these thoughts and use them to empower yourself. The critical voices in your head aren’t a reflection of who […]
Boost Your Energy with Simple, Healthy Habits!

Feeling like you’re running on empty more often than not? Ever wondered why your energy levels seem to have taken a nosedive? It’s time to power up with some simple, healthy habits that can make a world of difference. 1. Stay Hydrated Feeling low energy? Hydration is key! Many underestimate the impact of water on […]
Embracing Imperfection: My Journey through the Perfectionist Maze

Have you ever wondered why the pursuit of perfection can sometimes lead to a sense of inadequacy? Picture yourself standing in front of a mirror, scrutinizing your reflection and feeling that you somehow fall short of expectations? I certainly have done this. This familiar scenario, facing oneself in the mirror and feeling somehow lacking, is […]
Feeling Stuck? Here’s Why and How to Move On

Have you ever felt like you are stuck in a rut, no matter how hard you try to move forward? This feeling of being “stuck” can be very frustrating and paralyzing, but it is important to remember that there are many different causes of feeling stuck. Being aware of the various root causes of this […]
Weight Loss – How to See It Differently

Many of my clients were initially overweight, not all, but a lot of them were. Today, I’m going to focus on helping those people who want to lose weight, not because I think that the topic of weight loss is more important than other health and wellness topics I could cover, but because I think […]
The Post Holiday Blues: Causes and Ways of Coping

The holidays are a joyous time, full of family and friends celebrating the year that has passed. But after all this excitement and celebration, many people find themselves feeling low. This is often referred to as the post-holiday blues. The symptoms can vary from person to person but most commonly include sadness or depression, anxiety […]
Resilience and Inner Peace: How to Get Through the Angst

We all have moments where we feel overwhelmed, anxious and on the verge of giving up. The world is not a perfect place and life does not always go according to plan. It can be difficult to maintain your inner peace when you are constantly being faced with unexpected challenges that you cannot control. However, […]
It’s time to FREE your mind from FEAR!

Think back to when you were a child. What was the last thing on your mind before bed? Probably not fear. You spent your time playing, exploring and socializing with friends. As we grew up, though, something happened that made fear a natural part of life: we became afraid of our own thoughts! Fearful […]
What Can I Do To Feel Happy?

Everyone has their own unique way of looking at life. However, if you observe closely, all of us are striving to become happier in life. Whether it is our personal life or professional life, whatever we do is an effort to make our life more joyful and content. Are you feeling unhappy and distressed in […]
Respect Yourself!

Respect is key to any relationship… including yourself. When you respect yourself, you make it your priority, your mission to take care of yourself, to do whatever is best for you. I don’t mean putting everyone and everything on a backburner, nor forgetting about everyone else just to please yourself, but to take care […]

What do you think has the biggest impact on your relationship with food? It might not be your first guess… Your thoughts and beliefs is the correct answer. In order for you to change your relationship with food, you need to change your beliefs about it first. And in order to change your beliefs, […]
What is the Best Night Time Routine?

More and more people started to pay attention lately to their morning routine. As everyone knows that how you start your morning directly impacts your whole day: your productivity, focus, the choices you are making throughout the day, etc. But very few are devoting as much time to their nightly routine as to their morning […]
What is My Purpose?

There was a time in my life when I was really negative. I was miserable because I was lost. I did not know what my purpose was, did not have a vision and had an overflowing amount of limiting beliefs about myself. And looking back now, I realize how exhausting it was worrying what others […]
Be Nice to Yourself

Regardless of what your goals are in life, the first step to achieving any of them is to be nice to yourself. Start by being kind, patient, and understanding. Treat yourself like you would a child or close friend. Speak to yourself as you would to someone you love and respect. Listen and get in […]
Sometimes “Crushing it” means asking for help

Are you one of those people who are trying to do everything on their own, who thinks it’s below them to ask for help? I used to be like this. I used to think that asking for help is the biggest weakness someone can have. I am not thinking this anymore, but to be honest, […]
Are you living the life of your dreams?

Are you where you want to be in life? Did you set yourself up for success in every area of your life? If not – this is the time to do it. If you are “feeding” yourself with “tomorrows”, tomorrow will never come. It never does. Yes, I am being a little confrontational here. But […]
How Would Your Life Change if Your Self-Esteem Improved?

There are so many people who are struggling with low self-esteem and lack of confidence. These two go hand in hand. When you have low self-esteem, you’re keeping yourself away from living the life you want to live. You are robbing yourself of joy, happiness, and inner peace. If you can relate to this, the […]
How to Be Present

A lot of people nowadays are experiencing a similar issue: they are struggling with being present for their loved ones. They might be physically near them, but totally absent emotionally. And even though they are acknowledging the fact that they are not present for their families and friends, they completely disregard the fact that they […]
Change How You Feel in an Instant

Your mind talks to your body all the time. If you want to be healthy and feel great, it is your responsibility to train your mind. And the easiest way to start is to tell your mind great things. You can always choose what to feed your mind: nourishment or poison. So these are the […]
How to Build Good Habits

In order for us to be successful, we need to build new habits that support our goals. But oftentimes, people are unsuccessful in building new habits due to various reasons. One of my favorite books on this subject matter is Atomic Habits by James Clear. If you will have a chance – read it. ⠀ […]
The Greatest Wealth is Health

As I got on my self-discovery path, I started digging and getting to know myself. And what I have discovered then, that success was at the top of my values list. That is what drove me; that was my main priority. Of course, were there other items on my values list, but success was the […]
Seven days without laughter makes one weak

Many times we have heard that laughter is the best medicine. And there’s lots of evidence to support that. Plus it soothes tension, strengthens your immune system, relieves pain, improves your mood, and has many other benefits. It is an amazing immune boosting mechanism and a cure to many diseases. And it is absolutely free! […]
All of Us are Addicts

If you have been reading my blogs, you are familiar with the things I have struggled with for years. And I am proud to say that I have defeated these self-destroying habits that I used to have. And only after overpowering these habits I have truly realized that I used to be a heavy […]
It’s Not a Diet. It’s Not a Phase. It’s a Permanent Lifestyle Change.

Many people, who know me for a few years now, have a hard time believing that I used to be overweight. And when I am saying overweight, I really mean it. It wasn’t just 5 lbs or even a couple of dozens of pounds that I needed to get rid of. I had some serious […]
Some pursue happiness – others create it

You probably noticed that I write a lot about happiness. And the reason for this is that I was in pursuit of happiness for many years. I started researching the subject in my early 20’s. I was reading and listening to the experts in the field. I reviewed many studies on happiness. And the […]
Nothing Which Life Has to Offer is Worth the Price of Worry

Nothing is worth the worry. Worry is such a useless emotion. It doesn’t benefit you at all. Worry is probably one of the most destructive habits humans have. I used to constantly worry about something. It even kept me up at night, and when I did finally go to sleep, I would have nightmares […]
In Order to Change, We Must Be Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

A lot of people are asking me this question: “How do I change something permanently?” And my response to this is: “You have to get really disturbed!” What do I mean by that? In order for you to change something, or quit a bad habit permanently, you need to have a lot of pain […]
Strive For Progress, Not Perfection

Do you know someone who is a very determined and goal-oriented person? Maybe you know a few people like that, and you might even personally relate. I certainly can. For most of my life, I was setting goals for myself. And I didn’t rest until these goals were achieved. Even if it was on hold […]
This Could Be The Day You Stop Doing That Self-destructive Thing You Do

When you have read: “This could be the day you stop doing that self-destructive thing you do”, what was the first thing you thought of? Or maybe several things? Now write it down. Can you imagine what your life would be like if you stopped doing that thing(s) right now? What will your life look […]
You Have Complete Control Over Your Life

You have complete control over your life. You are the one who decides how happy you will be. Sometimes it’s hard to accept this, as this is a big responsibility knowing that everything is in your hands. It’s so much easier to blame someone or something for why it’s not working out the way you […]
Exercise That Will Improve Your Quality of Life

I will have a short and interesting exercise for you that will improve your quality of life instantly. 🙂 “Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from negative shit.” Tell me, what was the first thing you thought of when you read the words “negative shit”? Now write that stuff down. Can you take a […]
Our Life is What Our Thoughts Make It

It is the simple truth that whatever you focus on becomes your reality. And it is extremely important to focus on what you really want, instead of what you don’t want, to make sure that you don’t achieve the opposite effect of whatever you are going after. Our focus determines what we feel. You can […]
What We Think, We Become

“What we think, we become.” Buddha. I couldn’t fully comprehend this before. I wish I did a few years earlier…:) (No regrets though) We are creating our reality, our life, by our beliefs. And we create our beliefs with our every-day thoughts. Why not take control of our lives? It is not as hard as […]
Life really does begin at forty. Up until then, you are just doing research. – Carl Jung

Before I read this quote, I was thinking, in the back of my mind, that I have wasted many years of my life. But after reading it, I have finally realized that I was, in fact, doing research all of those years. Not too long ago, I realized that I wasn’t fulfilled in my career. […]
When I hear somebody sigh, ‘Life is hard,’ I am always tempted to ask, ‘Compared to what?’

We have a tendency to complain about the most insignificant stuff. And maybe it’s not you, as I am referring to ‘we’ as the majority of the human population. I am sure, even if you can’t relate to this yourself, you know someone like this. 🙂 People drive themselves crazy over being stuck in traffic, […]
I Am Not Losing Weight, I Am Getting Rid of It

How many times have you seen a commercial or were approached by someone who stated that they will help you lose weight? Have you tried it? Did it work for you? If it didn’t, there is a reason why. Most people change some of their daily routines temporarily when they are attempting to get […]
They are not Failures, They are Lessons.

Don’t ever be discouraged by your failures, as they are not failures, they are lessons. They promote our personal growth. We learn from our, so-called, failures substantially more than from our successes. I used to be terrified of failure. Any time I would come close to failure (often it was only an illusion), I […]
Follow Your Passion, Follow Your Heart…

Not too long ago I decided to ‘start over’ in my professional career, as a lot of people would call it. I have heard a few discouraging comments, such as: “Are you out of your mind?”, “Do you think you can just start over, on your own?”, “Aren’t you scared?”, “You are not that […]
Losing Weight is a Mind Game

Are you one of those people who has been trying to lose weight for, what seems to be, ages? Are you struggling to keep it off permanently? Does your weight loss journey remind you of yo-yo? If you are, I can relate to you so much. I have been there for most of my […]
The Future Can be Better than the Present, and I Have the Power to Make it So

At times it seems that everything that could go wrong – just did. And we are adding on to this by telling ourselves things such as: “how bad we have it”, “why does it always happen to me”, “what else could go wrong”, and many other variations. This negative self-talk never benefits anyone. All […]