
What is Homeopathy and Why Use It?

Homeopathy is a whole healthcare system that emphasizes treating the whole person, physical symptoms, emotions, genetic influences, stressors, and the underlying causes of your health problems,  as opposed to just the disease. This means that homeopathic remedies are designed to help strengthen our natural defense mechanisms rather than suppress them, which can lead to chronic illness and side effects from traditional medications. It is a holistic system of medicine that has been around for over 200 years. 

While the human body is capable of restoring health, many individuals ignore their bodies’ warnings or take a few pills for short-term comfort. Naturopathy aims to help people achieve optimal physical and emotional health by combining traditional and natural healing methods.

Homeopathic remedies are unique because they can be used prophylactically or therapeutically for acute or chronic conditions, including allergies, arthritis, asthma, epilepsy/seizures, headaches/migraines, mental disorders, and so much more.

Facts and History

Homeopathy is practiced globally. It is the second most commonly used healthcare system in the world. It is used in over 80 countries on a regular basis by over 200 million people worldwide. Homeopathy is part of the national health system in Brazil, France, Germany, Switzerland, India, Mexico, Chile, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and the UK.

At its peak in the early 1900’s there were:

  • 22 homeopathic medical schools
  • More than 100 homeopathic hospitals
  • Over 1000 homeopathic pharmacies
  • One out of every five doctors in the U.S. practiced homeopathy

Homeopathy, however, was severely devalued and discredited due to the political efforts of certain powerful individuals and organizations. But, thankfully, it is making a comeback.

There are several reasons why you might want to consider using homeopathy:

  • Homeopathy is unique in that it addresses all levels of human functioning – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual – through its remedies.
  • Homeopathy is holistic
  • It also offers an affordable treatment option for everyone who needs it!
  • And everyone can use it
  • Homeopathy is gentle and yet deep and powerful

It is a good option for those who are tired of the side effects from chemical medications, or have had no success with these options. It can also be used in conjunction with traditional medicine to support healing without suppressing symptoms or altering your biochemistry (which many pharmaceutical drugs do).

It’s a win-win situation for everyone! And, I am happy to be part of that solution.

So, if you are interested in learning more about homeopathy, and you want me to help with your health goals and/or implement fundamental lifestyle modifications – schedule your Complimentary consultation below. Let’s get started.


Complimentary Phone Consultation

  • 15 minutes - $0
  • Call by Phone
  • The initial consultation is designed to offer you the opportunity to ask questions about holistic health and wellness. You are welcome to book a Holistic Wellness consultation after this call, however, you are not obligated to do this. During this meeting, no health recommendations will be given.

Holistic Wellness Consultation

  • 1 hour 30 minutes - $350
  • Call by phone or through the web/video chat
  • Limited Time Offer: Pay in advance for 4 sessions and get a 10% discount!
  • Before your first session, you will fill out a comprehensive intake questionnaire that will cover both current and past health and wellness history. This data will be evaluated ahead of time and then revisited during the consultation. At the end of the session, the client will be given a custom holistic strategy based on his or her specific situation and needs.



Production, Regulatory and Safety

Homeopathic remedies have been used for more than 200 years. This unique therapeutic method uses diluted extracts of natural substances to relieve symptoms. Remedies may include plants, animals, body chemicals, and minerals. They are used around the world to relieve many common conditions as well as symptoms associated with challenging health issues.

Homeopathic remedies have been regulated by the FDA as drugs since 1938. The regulatory policy for homeopathic medicines can be found in FDA’s Compliance Policy Guide: Sec 400.400 available at: https://www.fda.gov/

Homeopathic remedies are derived from a mother tincture or alcohol-based solution that contains the most concentrated preparation of the primary substance.  The second step is “succussion” which is a vigorous, rhythmic shaking with impact. During this process the most concentrated homeopathic preparation is potentized with a dilution agent (usually ethanol, water or lactose) to create different levels of potency and dilution. 

Reputable homeopathic formulas are made in compliance with Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States (HPUS). These guidelines can be reviewed here: http://www.hpus.com/Draft-Guidelines-for-Manufacturing-Homeopathic-Medicines.pdf.

The use of homeopathic medicines is supported by over 200 years of clinical observation. They have established an exceptional safety record during that time frame. In recent years, there has been an increasing number of scientific studies published on homeopathy in medical journals.

Clinical research is evaluating the evidence of homeopathic medicine while laboratory research is studying the potential biological activity of highly diluted substances to better understand their potential mechanism of action.

Per FDA regulatory guidelines, homeopathic remedies cannot cure or treat any health condition. Homeopathic remedies can be supportive for temporary symptom relief for self-diagnosed symptoms or discomforts.

Comprehensive homeopathy describes a functional approach to combining remedies to relieve symptoms or symptom patterns.

Some homeopathic remedies contain several different remedies at varying potencies, including those derived from plants, animals, minerals, bach flowers, and phenolics. This more comprehensive approach makes the remedies better suited for temporarily relieving co-aligning symptoms, thus making the remedy selection process easier for the provider.

Classical homeopathy primarily refers to the use of single remedies at one dosage, which requires more extensive homeopathic understanding to administer.

Because homeopathic remedies are administered in tiny doses they do not cause the kind of secondary adverse and toxic effects that can be caused by conventional medicines.

Yes, and the number of scientific research on homeopathy is growing. Fundamental laboratory study is shedding light on the mechanism of action of highly diluted substances, as well as proving their biological effectiveness. 

Observational studies of actual people have consistently demonstrated that people benefited clinically from homeopathy (often from chronic, difficult-to-treat disorders).

A comprehensive list of homeopathy studies may be found here: https://www.hri-research.org/resources/research-databases/

Research shows Homeopathy is effective for:

  • Eczema
  • Asthma
  • Upper respiratory illnesses
  • Ear infections
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Menopause
  • Diarrhea
  • ADHD
  • Irritable Bowel
  • Depression

Nosodes are homeopathic preparations that are made from a disease-causing organism or diseased tissue. Nosodes are a true example of the main homeopathic principle of “like cures like”. A practitioner who administers a nosode of a pathogen is hoping to help temporarily relieve the symptoms of that pathogen with their client.

The preparation of a nosode involves a lengthy process of succussion and dilution of the original material using traditional homeopathic protocols until virtually no molecules of the crude substance remain, rendering the nosode safe for use. No live pathogens are used in the production of these formulas.

Reputable homeopathic companies use organic, gluten-free alcohol made from non-GMO corn.

We prefer to use the phrase “Integrative Medicine” over “Alternative Medicine.” Integrative medicine encompasses all of the scientific study and modalities that are beneficial for the client, both from conventional medicine and integrative medicine.

Recommendations and Clinical Use

There are no known drug interactions with homeopathic medicines. They can be recommended with other conventional medications and are sometimes recommended to complement other treatments. It is always recommended to consult with the prescribing party.

Homeopathic remedies are considered “Category C” in pregnancy and may be supportive in some cases. We do not recommend formulas that support detoxification or hormone-related symptom relief during this life stage. 

For homeopathic remedies the typical dosage for children is 1/3 the adult dosage for infants and toddlers and half of the adult dosage for children age 3 to adult size. Dosing recommendations should always take the general health of the patient into consideration.

Sublingual absorption of homeopathic remedies is optimized when the mouth is free of strong flavors or anything that may coat the mouth. Ideally, the formulas should be taken at least 15-20 minutes before or after eating, drinking, or brushing your teeth.

It is generally recommended to refrain from consuming foods or beverages that contain strong aromatics or stimulants as you are taking your homeopathic medicine.  A simple recommendation is to avoid 15-20 minutes before or after eating, drinking or brushing your teeth to avoid interference. Homeopathic medicines may also be mixed with a small amount of water.

Due to the highly diluted active ingredients, there is minimal chance of overdosing on a homeopathic remedy. Contact your practitioner/doctor immediately if you (or a family member) consume more than the recommended dosage and take note if any symptoms arise.

Properly stored homeopathic remedies can last for many years. They should be stored in a cool, dark place away from sunlight, moisture, strong odors (camphor, perfume, nail polish, essential oils, etc.) and magnetic/electrical fields.

Homeopathic remedies that are stored correctly do not technically have an expiration date and may be good indefinitely. We generally recommend discarding sealed formulas that are over five years old and open formulas that are over two years old.

There isn’t a lot of data to straight answer this issue. However, an animal study suggests that airport x-ray and red-light barcode scanning have no impact on the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines. On the other hand, early model microwave ovens and mobile phones appeared to reduce the potency of homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathy’s medicines should not be subjected to extreme temperatures.

Alcohol serves as both a preservative and vehicle for homeopathic medicines. The amount of alcohol in a usual homeopathic dose is about 1/80 of an ounce. One would need to consume over 80 doses to consume the amount of alcohol found in a typical alcoholic beverage (1 oz.)


Nutraceutical – Production, Regulatory and Safety

All recommended  formulas are produced under Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP). The FDA guidance on cGMP can be found here.

As part of cGMP compliance all raw materials used in DesBio formulas are confirmed for identity and potency as well as contaminants such as heavy metals, mold, microbiologicals, and chemical and solvent residues. Finished product testing is also done on our formulas to confirm label claims and ensure metal and microbe specifications are met.

We also perform skip lot third-party testing on finished formulas in order to further validate our purity, strength and composition.

All of the recommended  supplement labels are subject to the FDA Food Allergens Guidance which requires that the 8 major allergens (milk, fish, eggs, crustaceans, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, and soybeans) be listed on the supplement label. If allergens are present within a formula, they will be listed under the supplement facts panel with the Other Ingredients. You can find the find guidance on allergens here: FDA If you have further questions, please contact us.
Many recommended formulas are vegan. The allergen statement located at the bottom of the supplement facts panel will make note of any dairy present. Formulas containing glandulars would not be considered vegan. Some supplemental Vitamin D is sourced from lanolin (wool grease), however many vegans find this acceptable. Other brands are vegan. If you have further questions, please contact us.

Some of the recommended formulas are fully organic. Many contain organic ingredients. For specific inquiries, please contact practitioner support.

Both soy and wheat are considered FDA major allergens and would be listed underneath the supplement facts panel if they were included within a formula.

Nutraceutical – Recommendations and Clinical Use

Unlike homeopathic remedies, there is a risk of contraindication with supplements and medications. This is of particular concern with blood pressure, blood sugar, endocrine and emotional-regulating medications.

We do not recommend formulas that support detoxification or hormone management during this life stage.

Many recommended formulas can be taken with or without food without impacting efficacy. Products that are intended to be taken with or without food are designated on the label instructions.

While unlikely, taking more than the recommended dose can result in symptoms.

All recommended nutraceutical formulas are good for a minimum of 24 months after the manufacturing date if stored correctly. It is recommended that expired products be discarded.

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