Are you living the life of your dreams?

Are you where you want to be in life? Did you set yourself up for success in every area of your life? If not – this is the time to do it. If you are “feeding” yourself with “tomorrows”, tomorrow will never come. It never does. Yes, I am being a little confrontational here. But […]
How Would Your Life Change if Your Self-Esteem Improved?

There are so many people who are struggling with low self-esteem and lack of confidence. These two go hand in hand. When you have low self-esteem, you’re keeping yourself away from living the life you want to live. You are robbing yourself of joy, happiness, and inner peace. If you can relate to this, the […]
How do You Start Your Day?

How do you start your day? What are your rituals in the morning? Whether you are acknowledging it or not you do have a morning routine. Everybody does. If you are not aware of what exactly it is for you, analyze your morning, as well as your whole day. Some of our rituals are healthy […]
How to Be Present

A lot of people nowadays are experiencing a similar issue: they are struggling with being present for their loved ones. They might be physically near them, but totally absent emotionally. And even though they are acknowledging the fact that they are not present for their families and friends, they completely disregard the fact that they […]
Change How You Feel in an Instant

Your mind talks to your body all the time. If you want to be healthy and feel great, it is your responsibility to train your mind. And the easiest way to start is to tell your mind great things. You can always choose what to feed your mind: nourishment or poison. So these are the […]
Do you know anyone who is an addict?

Do you know anyone who is an addict? If your answer is no then you might be surprised after you will read this article. People are addicted to not just drugs and alcohol, but the most common addiction is food. When you zoom in on this issue, you will realize that a lot more people […]
Build Health or Produce Disease in Yourself

How do you start your day? What are your rituals in the morning? Whether you are acknowledging it or not, you do have a morning routine. Everybody does. If you are not aware of what exactly it is for you, analyze your morning, as well as your whole day. Some of our rituals are healthy […]
How to Stop Procrastinating

Many people are struggling with procrastination. This is one of the most common issues that people contact me with. And shortly into our conversation, people discover that procrastination is just a symptom. The root cause of their behavior is the fear of failure or fear of rejection. Unfortunately, many people have no idea that […]
Every man is free to rise as far as he’s able or willing

Remember the phrase: ‘The sky is the limit?’ It really is! You are capable of achieving almost anything if you want it enough. If you truly believe you can achieve something – you will. And it takes a little more than just saying it. You really have to believe and live it. In the first […]
The Greatest Wealth is Health

As I got on my self-discovery path, I started digging and getting to know myself. And what I have discovered then, that success was at the top of my values list. That is what drove me; that was my main priority. Of course, were there other items on my values list, but success was the […]
Weight Loss is Not a Physical Challenge; It’s a Mental One

Have you ever thought about why so many people are struggling to stop harmful and destructive habits? What often happens is someone temporarily interrupts their bad habit, thinking that they are done with that particular behavior for good; and then, shortly after, they go back to it. Why is this happening? Well, it’s simple. People […]
All of Us are Addicts

If you have been reading my blogs, you are familiar with the things I have struggled with for years. And I am proud to say that I have defeated these self-destroying habits that I used to have. And only after overpowering these habits I have truly realized that I used to be a heavy […]
You are today where your thoughts have brought you…

Can you take a few minutes and pause from what you are doing to think about your life? If you are too busy to do this then you definitely need to make some adjustments. There was a great quote by Dr. Sukhraj Dhillon: “You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day – unless […]
Some pursue happiness – others create it

You probably noticed that I write a lot about happiness. And the reason for this is that I was in pursuit of happiness for many years. I started researching the subject in my early 20’s. I was reading and listening to the experts in the field. I reviewed many studies on happiness. And the […]
Nothing Which Life Has to Offer is Worth the Price of Worry

Nothing is worth the worry. Worry is such a useless emotion. It doesn’t benefit you at all. Worry is probably one of the most destructive habits humans have. I used to constantly worry about something. It even kept me up at night, and when I did finally go to sleep, I would have nightmares […]
In Order to Change, We Must Be Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

A lot of people are asking me this question: “How do I change something permanently?” And my response to this is: “You have to get really disturbed!” What do I mean by that? In order for you to change something, or quit a bad habit permanently, you need to have a lot of pain […]
Strive For Progress, Not Perfection

Do you know someone who is a very determined and goal-oriented person? Maybe you know a few people like that, and you might even personally relate. I certainly can. For most of my life, I was setting goals for myself. And I didn’t rest until these goals were achieved. Even if it was on hold […]
This Could Be The Day You Stop Doing That Self-destructive Thing You Do

When you have read: “This could be the day you stop doing that self-destructive thing you do”, what was the first thing you thought of? Or maybe several things? Now write it down. Can you imagine what your life would be like if you stopped doing that thing(s) right now? What will your life look […]
Sometimes everything is going wrong for the right reasons

Most of us had moments in life when everything seemed to go wrong, probably more than once. When this happens – we have a choice. We can feel like a victim and feel sorry for ourselves, or we can find another meaning for this. The meaning you get heavily depends on the questions you ask […]
Humans possess this priceless ability to analyze and choose

Humans possess this priceless ability to analyze and choose. (Not everyone is using it though 🙂 ) Almost always we have a choice in life. When we choose something – we make a decision. And we make our decisions based on what our values are and what is important to us. At certain times we […]
What We Think, We Become

“What we think, we become.” Buddha. I couldn’t fully comprehend this before. I wish I did a few years earlier…:) (No regrets though) We are creating our reality, our life, by our beliefs. And we create our beliefs with our every-day thoughts. Why not take control of our lives? It is not as hard as […]
You are Enough!

Are you one of those people who tells themselves regularly that they are not good enough? I used to be one. If you are, what are your reasons for thinking so? Sometimes we think that we are not creative enough. But when it comes to negative self-talk, we are so unbelievably imaginative. What would […]
Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it.

The first time I heard this quote, I thought it was a really funny joke: “Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it.” Only later in my life, I realized that it’s not a joke. This is absolutely true. If you are filled with joy, […]
Don’t Limit Your Challenges. Challenge Your Limits.

Have you ever thought that you really want something, but can’t have it? That you were stuck with whatever you were given in life? That there is nothing you can do to change it? If you did, you are not alone. There are millions of people who are thinking the same way. And I was […]
Difficult Roads often Lead to Beautiful Destinations

Some of our experiences in life seem to be too brutal at the time when we are experiencing them. And we are not able to find any reasonable explanations as to why it’s happening. I have spent plenty of time in my life feeling like I am the victim of some unfortunate circumstances. Many times […]
Most Important Lessons I have Learned

I started thinking about the lessons that I have learned in my life. Some were relatively easy lessons and didn’t cost me much. Some of them have cost me money, time and most importantly health, which unfortunately is not always possible to get back. I previously wrote about lessons that I have learned from […]
Nobody Knows That I Am…

I wanted to share something with you that most people don’t know about me. And that is: Nobody knows that I am a life coach. I have been doing this as a hobby at first, and later on, it has transformed into my side part-time job. I am excited to share with you that I […]
What is Your Biggest Fear?

We all have fears. Some of us have more fears. Some of us have deeper fears. It is natural and totally normal to have them. The important thing is not to live in them. When fear becomes a primary emotion that drives you, it becomes impossible to be happy and fulfilled. Whatever you do, you […]
What’s on your Bucket List?

The other day I overheard someone asking a question about a bucket list. One person asked another one if they have it. The reply was: “What do you mean by ‘bucket list’?” The explanation followed: “If you knew you only had one week to live, what would you do? If You Were Told You Were […]
Upcoming 40th Birthday or Who do You Want to Be When You Grow Up

My birthday is coming up in a little over a week. But it’s not just a regular birthday, it’s the 40th one. A lot of people are sad about the 40 mark. But I’m welcoming it, as the older I get the better person I become. (At least in my mind:) ) To warn […]
Overcoming Anxiety – 1

There is another very important topic I would like to discuss prior to us going into specific behavior changes. And that is anxiety. I would like to tell you about my personal experience and how I overcame this condition. At no shape or form I am saying that the anxiety is not serious or doesn’t […]
Gaining Self Awareness

Are you ready to get to the next level in your life and transform your life forever? Then you need to get to the stage with absolute clarity and commitment. Let’s talk about clarity first. The first step to any change is for you to know exactly what are all of the issues in your […]