Understanding Root Cause Diagnosis for Lasting Health

In a world where quick fixes and symptom management dominate healthcare, understanding the root cause of health issues is essential for true healing. Perhaps you or someone you know is struggling with mysterious symptoms such as persistent fatigue, unexplained pain, or chronic digestive issues. These symptoms may be temporarily eased by treatments focusing only on […]
Is Worry Running Your Life?

It’s late at night, and you find yourself lying in bed, mind racing with thoughts of what went wrong yesterday and what might go wrong tomorrow. You toss and turn, unable to shake the grip of worry that seems to tighten with each passing moment. Does it sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone. Worry […]
The Truth Behind “Normal” Symptoms

I vividly remember a time when exhaustion, fatigue, anxiety, sleep issues, and brain fog were the “unwelcome” companions in my daily life. Desperate for answers, I began a frustrating journey from doctor to doctor, only to be met with dismissive explanations. I was told these symptoms were “normal” for a woman juggling a high-responsibility job […]
Dealing with Anxiety

Ever feel like life is playing a perpetual game of tug-of-war with your sanity? Maybe it’s work deadlines, family demands, or the never-ending task list that seems to multiply when you’re not looking. Anxiety doesn’t always wear a neon sign – sometimes it’s more like a quiet whisper in the background, leaving you wondering if […]
Causes of Fatigue and Holistic Solutions

Do you often find yourself juggling the demands of work, family, and life, yet constantly battling fatigue? When you wake up tired, maneuver through the day, only to collapse into bed with a lingering sense of exhaustion, you’re not alone. Many women face the same struggles, and while stress, lack of sleep, and poor diet […]
Unveiling the Secret to Holistic Health Beyond Quick Fixes

Secret to Holistic Health Beyond Quick Fixes Are you caught in the never-ending whirlwind of work, family, and endless responsibilities, leaving you perpetually drained? You’ve probably explored every quick fix imaginable, from energy drinks to over-the-counter remedies, with fleeting results. It’s a story many of us can relate to. But what if I told you […]
Escaping Chronic Survival Mode

Life can often feel like an endless juggling act for many women. Balancing careers, families, and personal aspirations can lead to chronic stress, which in turn can trigger a mode of survival that takes a toll on our health. You’re not alone if you find yourself in this situation, as many women experience the same […]
Reframe Your Story: A Journey to Self-Care and Balance

Reframe Your Story: A Journey to Self-Care and Balance Have you ever felt like life’s demands are spinning out of control? Have you ever found yourself caught in the whirlwind of life, where responsibilities and to-do lists seem to never end? Like you’re constantly on the brink of burnout, desperately juggling a barrage of responsibilities, […]
From Leftover Temptations to Holistic Triumph

I wanted to share my personal experience with the day-after-Thanksgiving battle of wills—the moment I stared temptation in the face and made a choice that set the tone for a post-feast wellness journey. So, the day after our Thanksgiving extravaganza, my fridge resembled a dessert wonderland. Leftover pastries from the family gathering beckoned, whispering promises […]
What They Never Told You About Your Health

As women, our bodies are intricate and resilient, designed to thrive in a state of balance and vitality. Yet, the demands of modern life often push us into a relentless battle against exhaustion, mood swings, unexplained weight gain, and other symptoms that leave us feeling disconnected from our own well-being. If you find yourself nodding […]
Struggling with Fatigue, Brain Fog and Digestive Issues?

Are you one of the countless women who wake up each morning, longing to pull the covers back over your head because you’re still exhausted? Or maybe you’re battling to fall asleep at night, plagued by worries, and waking up groggy. You’re not alone. So many women out there share your struggle, and I’ve been […]
Your Body Wants to Heal Itself and is Capable of Doing It

Oh no, it’s happening again. You feel the all-too-familiar symptoms – a runny nose, cough, body aches, chills, headaches, and more. You’re frustrated and angry because you don’t have time to be sick. You have a deadline at work, your kids have after-school activities, and the house needs cleaning. You can’t allow yourself to take […]
Mid-Life Crisis: Rediscover Yourself and Take Control

Do you have an awareness that something is missing from your life but don’t know what it is? As we all get older and reach different milestones, such as mid-life, it is common for us to become reflective on where we stand in life. A mid-life crisis is something that almost everyone goes through at […]
Feeling Stuck? Here’s Why and How to Move On

Have you ever felt like you are stuck in a rut, no matter how hard you try to move forward? This feeling of being “stuck” can be very frustrating and paralyzing, but it is important to remember that there are many different causes of feeling stuck. Being aware of the various root causes of this […]
Stress Reduction Made Easy: 7 Scientifically Proven Techniques

Stress is a natural part of life, but when it becomes chronic, it can have a significant impact on both your mental and physical health. Chronic stress has been linked to various health problems, including anxiety, depression, and heart disease. Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce stress, and many of them are backed by […]
Unmotivated? This will help!

Have you been a powerhouse of productivity, yet all of a sudden feel drained and unmotivated? What could be causing this drastic shift in momentum? It’s always great to have a plethora of advice, such as “Make a manageable list of things you’ve put off,” or “Discover what motivates you and stick with it”. Yet […]
8 Ways to Boost Your Energy

Everyone would like to feel more energetic during the day. You naturally go through periods of higher activity which contrasts with times of relaxation. The problem occurs when more energy and concentration is required than we can give. Or when we try to sleep and can’t. Follow these 8 invaluable tips to boost your energy! […]
Revitalize and Renew: Do the feelings of Burnout affect you on a daily basis?

You Deserve to Feel Good Again! Are you experiencing a sense of being burned out? You may find it hard to have energy just for the basic tasks of the day. Adrenal fatigue may be part of this as well as a feeling of emotional burnout due to many recent tumultuous events in our world. […]
Do I Need Mental Health Help?

It’s easy to decide whether we should see a therapist or coach with extreme emotional problems; however, when we’re slightly uncomfortable, or having a few rough days, it’s harder to make that decision. Don’t wait until you truly can’t deal with it if you believe you have that problem and are getting overwhelmed. Being proactive […]
“I’m always tired” – How to Overcome Fatigue and Exhaustion

You’ve tried everything. You’re drinking more water, sleeping better, and even exercising – but you still feel exhausted all day long. What’s going on? It may be time to start digging deeper into the root cause of your fatigue. In this post, we’ll discuss one of the common reasons that could be causing your feelings […]
How to GET UNSTUCK When You Feel Stagnant

Do you ever feel stuck? Like there are no opportunities out there for you, or that you can’t seem to do anything right anymore. You’re frustrated with yourself and the universe because it feels like no matter what life throws at you, things never work out in your favor. This feeling of stagnation can happen […]
How Can I Enjoy The Holidays Alone?

The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy and happiness, but for many people, they are anything but. How can you enjoy the holidays alone? How do you find peace on Christmas day when your loved one is gone? How can you feel less lonely on New Year’s Day when everyone else is […]
Does Stress Increase During the Holidays?

The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy and happiness, but for many people they become a stressful and difficult time. There are many factors that contribute to the stress of holidays. Sometimes it’s about family dynamics, expectations, the pressure to make everything perfect and social media. Other times it is because we […]
Resilience and Inner Peace: How to Get Through the Angst

We all have moments where we feel overwhelmed, anxious and on the verge of giving up. The world is not a perfect place and life does not always go according to plan. It can be difficult to maintain your inner peace when you are constantly being faced with unexpected challenges that you cannot control. However, […]
How to Stop Thinking You’re Not Enough

You are enough. I know that I am not alone when I say I have had moments where I feel like I’m not good enough, or that I don’t deserve the love of others because I’m not perfect. When this happens it’s hard to get out of the negative mindset and see any positive in […]
It’s time to FREE your mind from FEAR!

Think back to when you were a child. What was the last thing on your mind before bed? Probably not fear. You spent your time playing, exploring and socializing with friends. As we grew up, though, something happened that made fear a natural part of life: we became afraid of our own thoughts! Fearful […]
What Can I Do To Feel Happy?

Everyone has their own unique way of looking at life. However, if you observe closely, all of us are striving to become happier in life. Whether it is our personal life or professional life, whatever we do is an effort to make our life more joyful and content. Are you feeling unhappy and distressed in […]
Is Your Life Filled With Purpose?

All of us need meaning in our lives. We need something to add value and purpose to, so it doesn’t feel like we have wasted our time here. However, adding purpose and meaning is not something we have been taught in our childhood. We often feel confused about finding purpose and meaning. But there is […]
Respect Yourself!

Respect is key to any relationship… including yourself. When you respect yourself, you make it your priority, your mission to take care of yourself, to do whatever is best for you. I don’t mean putting everyone and everything on a backburner, nor forgetting about everyone else just to please yourself, but to take care […]
Do You Ever Say: “I HATE MY BODY?”

Many of the people whose goal is to lose weight and/or stop binge eating often have one thing in common – they hate their bodies. And from my experience, additionally, clients who want to lose weight are also struggling with a lack of self-worth. But for the purpose of this post, I will talk about […]
#1 Mistake When Trying to Lose Weight

The #1 mistake people make when trying to shed off some pounds is concentrating on weight loss. Weight loss could mean so many things besides fat loss. People lose pounds due to water weight, muscle loss, and sometimes even due to some serious illness. Additionally, the word “lose” is such a negative word. No one […]
What Makes Me Happy?

Would you be surprised if I told you that most people don’t know what to answer first when being asked this question: “What Makes You Happy?” And I am not referring to a big philosophical question: ‘What is happiness?” I am referring to “Which activities make you happy?” We are often so busy in our […]
What is My Purpose?

There was a time in my life when I was really negative. I was miserable because I was lost. I did not know what my purpose was, did not have a vision and had an overflowing amount of limiting beliefs about myself. And looking back now, I realize how exhausting it was worrying what others […]
#1 Thing That Will Help You on Your Weight Loss Journey

Do you need to lose weight? Do you need to heal your relationship with food? If yes, what are your reasons for it? This is the first question I ask my clients in my weight loss program. And the most common answers I hear are: “To stop the pain…” “I don’t want to suffer anymore..” […]
How to Break Free from Negative Self-Talk

Negative self-talk drastically impacts the quality of our lives. Whether you acknowledge it or not, during those bursts of negativity, every single word that you say to yourself matters. And there might even be some legit grounds for thinking or talking this way, but if you understand what kind of long-term impact it has on […]
How Do I Know a Diet Works for Me?

I have been asked this question so often that I thought you would benefit from me talking about it publicly. And the question is: “How do I know if this diet works for me?” First of all, I would like to tell you that I really don’t like the word diet and the idea of […]
Today is The Tomorrow You Talked About Yesterday

Oftentimes, we are deceiving ourselves by “feeding lies” to our minds. Can you think of the times you have said to yourself something like this: I’m going to start eating healthy tomorrow… I’m going to start exercising tomorrow… I’m going to start studying tomorrow… And then tomorrow never seems to come. Or when it does, […]
I need to lose weight but l like food!

“I need to lose weight but l like food…” I have heard this so many times. Is there anyone who doesn’t like food? I don’t know anyone personally. But I know for a fact that some people who say that they don’t are just restricting themselves and made up this story, so it seems natural. […]
Be Nice to Yourself

Regardless of what your goals are in life, the first step to achieving any of them is to be nice to yourself. Start by being kind, patient, and understanding. Treat yourself like you would a child or close friend. Speak to yourself as you would to someone you love and respect. Listen and get in […]
Let Go of the Fear of Judgment

Why do we give power to other people to decide how we feel about ourselves? Why do we allow others to determine our self-worth? From early childhood, we are seeking the approval of our parents. And most of us are taking this into our adult years making ourselves miserable. Needing constant approval from others if […]