I need to lose weight but l like food!

“I need to lose weight but l like food…” I have heard this so many times. Is there anyone who doesn’t like food? I don’t know anyone personally. But I know for a fact that some people who say that they don’t are just restricting themselves and made up this story, so it seems natural. […]
Why You Can’t Put a Stop to Binge Eating by Using Willpower

I see people struggling and suffering every day trying to end binge eating addiction by using their willpower. That’s all they are concentrated on, counting the days since they have binged last. And usually, it doesn’t last very long. People have a tendency to count calories, get on a diet for a week or two […]
How to Not Get Upset When You Weigh Yourself

Do you want to know how to not get upset when you weigh yourself? Well, here it is – Do Not Weigh Yourself! This is my opinion. Oftentimes, your scale shows a higher number than usual, or not showing that you actually lost weight because you possibly drank more water than usual, or it might […]
Why You are Struggling to Lose Weight

A large part of the US population is either overweight or obese. At least half of the adults are trying to eat healthy and get on some kind of diet nowadays, to lose weight. But unfortunately, less than a few percent are successful long term. Why are so many people failing with losing weight and […]
5 Diet Beliefs That Work Against You

Sometimes we adopt certain beliefs from our relatives, friends, and/or society. And we start living by these beliefs, and they become our reality. And oftentimes, we don’t even question these beliefs because they came from the so-called, ‘authoritative’ sources. Most of my clients who needed help with losing weight had these similar diet beliefs in […]
Why Am I Tired in the Morning?

Are you one of those people who wakes up tired in the morning? I used to be one. It was so frustrating to open my eyes and feel like I just came back from a 12-hour shift. I started thinking that it was part of aging. And most of the people who surrounded me were […]
It’s Not a Diet. It’s Not a Phase. It’s a Permanent Lifestyle Change.

Many people, who know me for a few years now, have a hard time believing that I used to be overweight. And when I am saying overweight, I really mean it. It wasn’t just 5 lbs or even a couple of dozens of pounds that I needed to get rid of. I had some serious […]
You Are What You Eat

One day I came across a T-shirt that I really liked. It said: “You are what you eat, therefore I’m pizza.” Judging by this statement, I should’ve been called Junk Food. As I have mentioned in one of my other articles, some time ago I discovered a few Tony Robbins audio files online. I […]
Losing Weight ≠ Being Fit

I always thought that if I lost weight, I would automatically be fit. I thought that all through my weight-loss adventure, but when I actually got closer to my desired weight, I realized that losing weight is not the same as being fit. I made huge progress and was able to consistently keep off […]
Losing, Gaining, Losing, Gaining…

I know that some of you are patiently waiting for me to tell you how I have lost weight—and kept it off. I will not make you wait any longer. But first I have to tell you my story, my decade’s long struggle. It went all the way back to childhood, in fact. Even […]