Many people, nowadays, have become much more health conscious, which is an amazing thing. They are aware of what and how they are eating and their level of physical activity. But what is still often overlooked is sleep. Without proper sleep good health is not possible. Which is why it’s very important to get a good quality sleep, ideally every night. Let’s talk about 10 most common sleep mistakes many people make.


 1. Drinking coffee all day long or taking other stimulants

I’ve heard some people tell me that caffeine doesn’t affect them as it affects others and their sleep is not impacted. And they might not be affected the same way by caffeine, but their sleep quality is definitely impacted. Caffeine can stay in the blood for 9 hours. And as long as it’s in your blood it affects the quality of your sleep. It disrupts the sleep cycles and interferes with your ability to get restorative sleep.


2. Eating a big dinner before going to bed

Even though ‘having a feast’ before bedtime might make you feel tired and sleepy, you will not be getting a good quality sleep after eating a lot before bed. Instead of getting proper rest, your system will be working a ‘second shift’ to try to digest all of that food that you ate. You might even wake up more tired then you were before you went to bed.


 3. Using alcohol as sleep aid

Even though alcohol makes you fall asleep faster, it reduces one of your very important sleep cycles, which is REM sleep, which negatively impacts the quality of your sleep. 


 4. Bringing electronics to bed

Using electronics before bedtime, and especially in bed, makes it harder for you to fall asleep and decreases your quality of sleep. The reason for this is that electronics emit blue light, which interferes with production of melatonin, the sleep inducing hormone. 


 5. Watching TV to fall asleep

Watching TV before bed time and in bed, interferes with production of melatonin, the sleep inducing hormone. It has a counterproductive effect, harming your sleep cycle and leading to poor quality sleep.


 6. Being Inconsistent with Your Sleep Schedule

Going to bed at different times interferes with your circadian rhythm and body clock, which in turn makes it hard to fall asleep and the actual quality of your sleep.


 7. Not allowing time to unwind

It’s very important to schedule an unwinding time before going to bed. This should be a nightly routine time for relaxing, sleep inducing activities.


 8. Using prescription sleep aid

Prescription sleep aid has many harmful effects. But as far as sleep goes, it interferes with your sleep cycles. You are not getting good quality sleep even if you slept a good amount of hours.


 9. Turning on bright lights

As mentioned earlier, your brain produces melatonin, which is a sleep hormone that helps you fall asleep. Bright light exposure affect’s your brain’s ability to produce this hormone. And when your brain sees bright lights, it is tricked into thinking it’s daytime, which will keep you up.


 10. Using the snooze button 

The extra sleep you get after you hit the snooze button is fragmented sleep that is low quality. You start a new sleep cycle that you don’t finish, which makes you feel tired.  

If your sleep has been off for some time or you think you could use  better sleep, you should experience Biofeedback frequencies. You can receive personalized frequencies right to your phone or tablet that you can run before  bedtime. Would you like to try it for FREE? Click the link below and schedule your complimentary session:

Have a Beautiful Day!

Be Healthy! Be Safe! Be Well!