
Ensuring Accuracy and Reliability

We provide a wide range of high-quality Testing Products designed to meet the needs of professionals across multiple industries. From medical diagnostics to industrial safety, our testing solutions ensure that you receive accurate, reliable results every time. Whether you’re looking for precision instruments or rapid testing kits, we have the tools you need for successful testing and analysis.

Our Testing Products Range

We are dedicated to providing high-quality testing products that help you achieve accuracy and efficiency in your work. Browse our full selection and place your order today to enhance your testing capabilities.

Gut Health Testing


GI Map

The GI-MAP™ (GI-Microbial Assay Plus) quantitatively assesses a patient’s microbiome with attention to bacterial, parasitic, and viral pathogens that can cause disease, disrupt the normal microbial balance, and contribute to chronic GI illness. THE GI-MAP™ INCLUDES THESE ANALYTES:  Bacterial Pathogens,  Viral Pathogens,  Parasitic Pathogens,  Parasitic Protozoa,  Parasitic Worms,  Normal Bacterial Flora,  Opportunistic Bacteria, H. pylori, Fungi/Yeast,  Digestion,  Immune Response, Inflammation
GI map Zonulin

GI Map + Zonulin (leaky gut)

The GI-MAP™ (GI-Microbial Assay Plus) quantitatively assesses a patient’s microbiome with attention to bacterial, parasitic, and viral pathogens that can cause disease, disrupt the normal microbial balance, and contribute to chronic GI illness. THE GI-MAP™ INCLUDES THESE ANALYTES:  Bacterial Pathogens,  Viral Pathogens,  Parasitic Pathogens,  Parasitic Protozoa,  Parasitic Worms,  Normal Bacterial Flora,  Opportunistic Bacteria, H. pylori, Fungi/Yeast,  Digestion,  Immune Response, Inflammation, Zonulin (Leaky Gut marker), Add-on option: Gluten Peptide (Stool Gluten), Add-on option: Universal Antibiotic Resistance Genes.

GI Map + Consultation

GI Map + Consultation 

The GI-MAP quantitatively assesses a patient’s microbiome with attention to bacterial, parasitic, and viral pathogens that can cause disease, disrupt the normal microbial balance, and contribute to chronic GI illness. It includes: Bacterial Pathogens,  Viral Pathogens,  Parasitic Pathogens,  Parasitic Protozoa,  Parasitic Worms,  Normal Bacterial Flora,  Opportunistic Bacteria, H. pylori, Fungi/Yeast,  Digestion,  Immune Response, Inflammation. Includes Interpretation and Recommendations based on the results..


  • Chronic and Acute Gastroenteritis 
  • IBD – Inflammatory Bowel Disease 
  • IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome 
  • Autoimmune Disease 
  • SIBO 
  • Suspected H. pylori Infection 
  • Fungal or Yeast Infections 
  • Bacterial & Parasitic Infections 
  • Intestinal Permeability 
  • Viral Pathogens



  •   Bacterial Pathogens 
  •   Viral Pathogens 
  •   Parasitic Pathogens 
  •   Parasitic Protozoa 
  •   Parasitic Worms 
  •   Normal Bacterial Flora 
  •   Opportunistic Bacteria 
  •   H. pylori with Virulence Factors 
  •   H. pylori Resistance Genes 
  • Fungi/Yeast • Digestion 
  •   Immune Response 
  • Inflammation 
  • Add-on option: Zonulin (Leaky Gut marker) 
  •   Add-on option: Gluten Peptide (Stool Gluten) 
  •   Add-on option: Universal Antibiotic Resistance Genes


Wheat Zoomer

The Wheat Zoomer panel assesses sensitivity to wheat, autoimmune disease, and intestinal barrier stability. If you suspect you have wheat sensitivity, multiple food sensitivities, intestinal permeability, autoimmune disorders, or chronic inflammation, you may benefit from this panel.


Gut Zoomer 3.0

The Gut Zoomer assesses bacteria, yeast, viruses, and parasites in the gut microbiome, alongside relevant digestive and inflammatory markers. The panel measures hundreds of species of microbes at once, providing the most comprehensive digestive health test on the market.


Gut Zoomer 3.0 & Wheat Zoomer

The Wheat Zoomer is the most accurate test for measuring reactivity to wheat and gluten, and also includes an intestinal permeability (“leaky gut”) panel. The Gut Zoomer 3.0 provides a comprehensive overview of all things gut, including how well you are digesting your food, if you have enough “good” bacteria, and whether or not “bad” bacteria are living in your gut.


Candida + IBS Profile

The Candida + IBS Profile assesses the presence of Candida (fungal) overgrowth, antibody levels associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and autoimmune-related alterations in intestinal motility.


H. Pylori

The H. pylori Biopsy Analysis Includes:

  • Helicobacter pylori
  • Antibiotic Resistance Genes, phenotype
  • Clarithromycin
  • Fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin)
  • Amoxicillin
  • Tetracycline


Hormones Testing

Salivary Hormones 

Optimize your health by detecting imbalances in sex hormones and cortisol/cortisone. The Salivary Hormones panel from Vibrant Wellness measures levels of important reproductive and metabolic hormones in the body that relate to energy, weight loss or gain, water retention, muscle loss or gain, sleep, mood, and even cognitive function. 


Urinary Hormone Metabolites

The Urinary Hormone Metabolites panel provides a comprehensive analysis of your overall hormone status. By assessing metabolites, you can understand affected downstream pathways in your hormones. This allows you to detect underlying causes of hormone imbalance and identify disease risks associated with individual hormone metabolites.


Nutrients Testing

Whole Blood Nutrient Profile + Omegas

The Whole Blood Nutrient Profile measures the nutrient status of common vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, metabolites, and amino acids at the cellular level, providing a baseline assessment of your whole blood micronutrient status, including Omegas. If you are diagnosed with or suspect you have a chronic inflammatory condition, autoimmune disease (Celiac, Crohn’s, etc.), or any condition associated with nutrient malabsorption, you may benefit from this panel.


Toxins Testing

Heavy Metals

Identify the root cause of your neurological disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, autoimmune diseases, and disorders associated with increased oxidative stress and cellular dysfunction.


Mycotoxin Mold Test

Identify the root cause of your neurological disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, autoimmune diseases, and disorders associated with increased oxidative stress and cellular dysfunction.


Organic Acids

The Organic Acids Test detects the organic acids in urine that are byproducts of daily cellular metabolism. The panel can accurately identify conditions associated with genetic disorders, nutrient deficiencies, intestinal dysbiosis, and toxicity from diet and prescription drugs.


Environmental Toxins

Every day, we are exposed to environmental toxins that can wreak havoc on our bodies and lead to inflammation, chronic illness, and more. Environmental Toxins from Vibrant Wellness uses the most advanced technology available to assess 39 different markers and assess if excessive environmental toxin exposure is at the root of your symptoms.


Total Tox Burden

The Total Tox-burden is a simple and quick test that provides comprehensive insight on the levels of heavy metals, mold toxins, and environmental toxins in your body.


Food Reaction Testing

Food Sensitivity Complete

Detect your body’s inflammatory response to 209 commonly consumed foods and 57 common food additives. Are common foods and food additives the underlying root cause of your body’s inflammation? Food Sensitivity Complete is your comprehensive, accurate bundle to detect inflammatory responses so you can individualize your nutrition needs.


Neural Health Testing


The Neurotransmitters panel measures levels of the most common neurotransmitters and metabolites in the brain and nervous system. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that facilitate the transmission of signals from one neuron (i.e. brain cell) to another target cell. If you were diagnosed with any neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, ADD/ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, mood disorders or have any symptoms related to neurotransmitter imbalances, then you may benefit from this panel.


Infection Testing


The Infections panel from Vibrant Wellness measures immune reactivity to common infectious organisms that may affect the brain and peripheral nervous system, heart health, detoxification, immunity, and more. Organisms tested include HHV, HSV, EBV, CMV, and Strep A. This test can be used to detect underlying inflammatory responses that might cause symptoms related to mood, memory, aging, balance, nervous function, movement, pain, and more. Be confident in your root cause of symptoms with the Infections panel from Vibrant Wellness.


Tickborne 1.0

The Tickborne Complete from Vibrant Wellness utilizes our advanced proprietary technology to provide you with the highest level of accuracy of tickborne diseases. Symptoms of tickborne disease can be debilitating, yet difficult to detect, making testing necessary for accurate diagnosis.


Tickborne 2.0

Know if tickborne diseases are eroding your health and wellbeing. The Vibrant Tickborne Diseases panel detects 17 tickborne infections, 16 co-infections, and 9 opportunistic infections, giving you the most comprehensive insight into exactly what your body is currently fighting.



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